RECIPE: Berry nice!

I can’t remember a better blackberry year, even as a child. The brambles have produced the largest, sweetest, fruitiest berries ever. No need to stick to your favourite tastiest hedgerow patch, fill your boots anywhere! Here’s a few recipes I’ve made and like.

Bramble Jelly
Photo Credit: Sally Woodbridge

Courage exists in many forms. Mine does a runner when faced with making jam. I may master this skill in the future (never say never), but in the meantime I’m using this Quick Bramble Jelly recipe from St. Delia:

Blackberry vinegar steeping
Photo Credit: Sally Woodbridge

Blackberry vinegar was an unexpected hit last year as a homemade Christmas present. After steeping I let the liquid strain, without interference, through the muslin, so that no fragments of blackberry flesh end up in the finished vinegar. Consequently it kept beautifully and we’re just finishing up last year’s batch now.

Photo Credit: Sally Woodbridge

Got a few more blackberries and Kilner jars lying around? Blackberry vodka time! Ridiculously easy to make, but you do need patience as it takes 3 months for the flavour to infuse. Again I was really careful when straining the fruit through the muslin, and decanted it into hot clean glass bottles. Delicious drizzled on vanilla ice-cream. I guess it keeps and matures well like Sloe Gin, but I don’t have any left to test this!

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